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TASK 4. True or False?

Read the statements below and mark each of them as "True" or "False":




1. Comprehensive schools are not selective: you do not have to pass an exam
    to go to a comprehensive school.

2. Public schools are supported from public funds.

3. Compulsory schooling in England and Wales lasts from the age of 5 to 14.

4. After the age of 16 a growing number of school students leave school.

5. The character Horatio Hornblower was created by C. S. Forester.

6. A "chugger" is a charity worker who stops you in the street.

7. "The Sealed Knot" is a famous ship.

8. The Royal Mile is in Belfast.

9. The "Angel of the North" is a famous nurse from Scotland.

10. The UK has won the Eurovision song contest five times.

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